Pandora Drummers – Swotu Wayä

In the center of Pandora, located at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, is the Valley of Mo’ara.  There, among the exotic plants and organic rock formations, you will find Swotu Wayä, an area filled with huge drums, oversized musical-seedpods, hanging orbs, and colorful shells, usually surrounded by children of all ages.  The random beats of the drums come together to form a sort of chaotic symphony as each child and adult pound away, testing out the various instruments.


However, the true delight of Swotu Wayä is the performance of the Pandora Drummers which is a group that consists of three local musicians performing a traditional Na’vi Drum Ceremony.  It is a celebration that embraces the essence of Pandora.




What I found most amazing about the trio, was their ability to walk into the midst of the rumbustious, tiny musicians and command their attention so quickly.  The Pandora Drummers are talented and entertaining, the show is humorous at times, and the music is mesmerizing.  Midway through their performance, the children were encouraged to join in the fun and they eagerly complied, banging on the drums, and shouting as loud as their little vocal cords would permit.




The show is delightful and engaging and set against the beautiful backdrop of Pandora, and is a wonderful respite from the hustle and bustle of the park.  It ends in a triumphant roar, sending energized guests along their way to enjoy the rest of their day.



The Pandora Drummers perform multiple times throughout the day, usually starting at 9:30 am, and continuing hourly until 7:30 pm but, be sure to check daily as times are subject to change.

One thought on “Pandora Drummers – Swotu Wayä

  • 14 December, 2018 at 9:33 am

    Wow – that’s fantastic! Love the pics too!


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