10 Reasons Why I adore My Husband…

10.  He does dishes, laundry and anything else that I need help with around the house.

9.  He works very hard to provide for our family AND takes night classes.

8.  Sometimes he makes me laugh so hard I can’t breath

7.  He always has a kind word to turn away my wrath – it doesn’t always work.

6.  He’s amazing with computers and he works hard to fix our house, even though he hates doing it.

5.  He gets up during the night with the Milk Monkey, braids the princesses hair and helps the Little Professor get his lessons going in the morning.

4.  He always thinks my ideas are great and stands behind me 100% in anything I do.

3.  Even after 6 1/2 years of marriage, he still makes me tingle and gives me goosebumps.

2.  He adores our children, plays with them, makes them laugh and takes an active role in their care.

1.  He loves God and leads our family in His ways.


3 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why I adore My Husband…

  • 24 February, 2012 at 9:06 am

    Best Blogpost – EVER

  • 24 February, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    In all fairness – my wife is truly an amazing woman. Beautiful, kind and patient don’t even begin to describe her. She is amazing with our children, great to me, and can handle just about anything.

    I Love her with all that I am 🙂


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