The Lost Tooth Club…

lost tooth


Last night the Tooth Fairy visited our house yet again, but it was far from her usual routine visit.

What was so special you ask?

This visit was to collect a tooth from the Princess.

The loss of her first tooth is bitter sweet like so many other mile stones reached – a reminder that my little girl is growing up.

She’s blossoming into a beautiful, intelligent, well adjusted girl and I’m just so proud of her!

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When I woke up yesterday, the Princess can running into my room to show me she lost her tooth.  She went into great detail about how she pulled it out once it was really wiggly.  Apparently there was a little blood involved, but she told me not to worry…it was just a tiny bit.

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We put the tooth into the Tooth Pillow that Nanny bought for them long before anyone had a loose a tooth.  The Princess has been looking forward to her time with the pillow.

This morning was met with even more excitement than the previous!

My little Princess was so excited to find the toothbrush, toothpaste, note and $5 bill that the Tooth Fairy had left her.

The note smelled like mint and had glitter on it just like the one her brother received a couple years back!

I quickly reminded her that $5 is only for the first tooth, all other teeth are only worth $1.

She was fine with that.

She was just so happy to be part of the Lost Tooth Club that I think she’d give away her teeth for free.

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