The Girl With the Crooked Smile…

It’s been difficult to watch my beautiful, little girl express herself without moving one side of her face.  She’s such an animated child which only seems to emphasize the partial paralysis.   I know it’s only temporary and I keep telling myself that but it’s still hard sometimes.  I do have to say her little crooked smile is adorable!  For some reason she’s gained the funniest little giggle…it must have something to do with not being able to move one side of her mouth.  My little Princess has been a real trouper through the whole ordeal.  It hasn’t seemed to bother her at all and it’s definitely not stopped her from being her wonderfully goofy self, even when faced with some of the complications her condition has caused her.

On Monday we went into Boston.  We took the T (a train) in, which the children love to do.  As soon as we left South Station I noticed the Little Princess was having trouble with her eye on the non moving side of her face.  Tears were streaming from her eye and she kept rubbing it with her hand.  It was quite windy and I figured it was probably getting irritated from the wind and the inability to blink.  I gave her a napkin, wet down from water for her to hold.  Not only was the wind irritating but she couldn’t squint to keep the sun out, or close her eye lid when the wind blew wisps of her hair into it.   The Little Professor graciously gave his baseball cap to his sister to keep her hair away from her face and the sun shaded from her eyes.  Eventually we stumbled upon a sun glass booth in Quincy Market and bought her some sun glasses and she was good from then on.  I just wanted to scoop her up and shield her from everything but my Mighty Princess would have none of that…there was too much to do.

It’s been a busy past couple of days.  Miss Fancy’s parents, my aunt and uncle, arrived from Cincinnati to take her back home.  It’s so nice having family visit.  I don’t get to see these relatives very often, so when I do get some time with them I cherish it.  Thankfully, I get their company until Saturday and then they’ll return home, taking my sweet, little Miss Fancy with them.  I’m definitely going to miss her!!  Hopefully, she had enough fun to want to visit us again next summer!!



One thought on “The Girl With the Crooked Smile…

  • 4 July, 2012 at 8:39 am

    Such a Brave little Princess!


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