I’m On The Edge…

I’m on the edge,

the edge,

the edge,

the edge,

the edge,

the edge,

the edge,

I’m on the edge…

 I’m not a Lady Gaga fan.  I don’t have anything against her, I’m just not into her music. Last year there was a commercial that played a clip of the song over and over again, so unfortunately or fortunately depending on your point of view, those are the only words I know.  As I clung to the edge of my bed last night a little Milk Monkey wiggled and jiggled beside me, coughing his little croup cough – that part of the song was the only thing that ran through my head.

And yes, I woke up singing it too.

Even still, I loved having my little guy in our bed.  At one point he opened his little sleepy eyes ever so slightly and whispered a little “hi” to me with his raspy, wheezy voice.  A little while later he wrapped his small restless arm around my neck and gave me a snuggle.  If it were up to me, I’d have all my kids in with us.  Daddy and I have very opposite views on co-sleeping.  I would love a big room where we could fit the crib and the bunk beds in.  It just makes sense to me to keep my little ones safely close by, but Daddy prefers they be in their own room and even though the Princess may back me up, I’m sure the Professor prefers his own space.

We came to a compromise a while back.  The babies get to sleep with us for the first 8 -12 months of their life.  They had their own cribs next to ours and it was wonderful. With the Milk Monkey we bought a co-sleeper for the side of the bed and it was the best baby item I’ve ever purchased.  I highly recommend them.  It’s so close to having the baby in bed with you while keeping them completely safe.  Eventually, each child transferred out of our room to their own, usually quite easily, except for the Princess.  Nothing was easy with that little one when she was a baby.

Even with all the co-sleeping we’ve done with the children in the past, it’s very seldom they try to get in bed with us.  I credit our early co-sleeping days to that.

Our little Monkey eventually went back to his own bed, where he could get the mist from the humidifier and I managed to get some space on the bed, but not much as Daddy hogs most of it anyway.

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