My children…my life…

It’s taken me a long time to start this blog, partly because of the wild, craziness I call my life, but mostly because I just wasn’t sure how to begin.  I’ve decided the best way is to introduce myself.


I’m 38 (wow, that seems so old when I write it out!), and married with 3 young children…


The Little Professor (age 6):  My first born, my kind heart, my little gentleman.  He paves the way for his younger siblings and forgives my errors in uncharted parenting. He is my sunshine!  He amazes me with his sponge like abilities for knowledge.  His goal: to be a marine biologist.



The Mighty Princess (age 4): So strong, so stubborn, so beautiful, she’s my wild child.  She adores her brother and often patiently lives in his shadow but when she emerges she shines.  She’s a natural born leader but will gladly follow if it leads to something good.  She’s opinionated, and her own little girl. She’s smart and she has never encountered a problem she couldn’t solve. Her smile is radiant and her love is honey, she’s my little princess.  Her goal: to be an obstetrician and to get our pet cat to love her.



The Milk Monkey (age 9 months): My baby, my hungry little guy.  My 9 and a half pound preemie and still growing fast! So calm and content and perfect.  I’m enjoying the journey as his personality blooms.  His goal: drink as much milk as he can.


My children are my life and I don’t just mean that in the whimsical way, I mean it in the literal way.  From morning to night and even to the next morning, I am with my children, loving them, feeding them, changing them, teaching them, hopefully inspiring them to be the best they can be.  In a week of 168 hours, I am usually within 20 feet of them for 160.  I love it, I wouldn’t want it to be any other way.  There are definitely times when my patience is tested, but even if my children went to a school or I went to an office, I would still have those challenging moments.


My children are my blessings from God and I thank Him every day for them!



2 thoughts on “My children…my life…

  • 22 February, 2012 at 3:55 pm

    I love your blog. Very colourful, your artistic flare shows. Wonderful desciption of your children. Can’t wait to read more. <3

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