Guess Who’s Back

Yes, it’s true, Honestly Mummy is back!  Cue the applause, light the fireworks, and shout for joy, it is really happening.  My children will be the most excited as they still browse the Honestly Mummy posts – a lot.

So of course, one of the questions I’ve been asked many times over the years is, “why did I stop the blog?” I guess the most honest and simple answer is that I was burnt out and my heart wasn’t in it anymore.  It’s not the only reason, but it was the root of all others.  At the time there wasn’t a conscious decision to stop, it was more like taking a small pause to give myself a chance to catch up with life, but it turns out life doesn’t slow down, and here we are three years later.

When I stopped writing I had an 8 year old, a 7 year old, and 3 year old.   We were closing in on the end of our home school year, a chaotic time for all involved.  It was the big push to get all the curriculum finished in those last 2 months.  That was back when we use to take breaks during the summer.  I wouldn’t say we took summers off, but we took much bigger breaks than we do now because I need them.  I was homeschooling two kids while working full-time from home.  My job started getting much busier, and all the stress started to wear my health down.  Life was overwhelming.  Life is still there, but I’ve learned how to handle the unexpected better.  We’ve made changes, big changes, which have set us on the path for the life we want to live.

To say a lot has happened since that last post back in April of 2014 would be an understatement of gigantic proportions!  Now we’re back, and I’m looking forward to starting this adventure all over again.

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