Dr. Jones, Dr. Jones, Calling Dr. Jones…

The great thing about having two children with birthdays 10 days apart is that we can schedule a dual wellness visit in one trip.  Today we all piled into the small doctors office – Daddy, Mummy, Little Professor, Mighty Princess, Milk Monkey and Little Miss Fancy – all of our voices reverberating off the the cheap paneled walls.

Some of our voices louder than others!

Dr. Jones was amazing as usual and took it all in stride, not the least bit fazed that there were 7 of us in the tiny exam room.  She was brilliant examining my two sweet children while answering the non stop questions from the Little Professor and Little Miss Fancy.  She makes the 25min drive well worth it!

The Princess and the Monkey both grew big and strong over the past year, extremely healthy and super cute!

What more could a mother ask for – I’m so thankful!

When we got home from the doctors the kids played out back by themselves for the very first time.  I was inside with the Milk Monkey while the kids exercised their little bodies along with their independence.  Little did they know I spent the whole time standing by the window watching their every move.  

It was fun watching their little personalities shine!


Some how Little Miss Fancy managed to fit herself into one of the Princess’s size 4-5 costume dresses!  Maybe she was able to do it because she’s model thin.  She’s also very tall so instead of having it reach her ankles, it barely made it to her knees.  The two girls had me in stitches with their posing, so we just had to take some pictures!

What goofy girls we have living with us!

I just love them both!!

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