Daddy says… Sci Fi Fun

I guess I have to say it, we’re a family of sci-fi fans.

It’s hard to find a good show where Mummy and I can just sit and relax together without it either being about a hospital, a police precinct, or a group of forensic investigators, but a good sci-fi show always does the trick.  Of course, for some reason it seems that every time a good one comes along, it gets cancelled.


However, every now and then we manage to find one we really like (that doesn’t get cancelled!) and we spend hours side by side watching and waiting for the next good twist in the story.  We found one of our favorites after the series had already completed it’s 4 season run – Battlestar Gallactica.  We borrowed the full seasons on DVD from our local library and would spend late nights together, watching and talking about the various twists and turns in the story. And while we would wait for the next season to arrive, we would discuss who we thought was secretly a Cylon, and why (frakkin toasters!).  I have to say, Mummy knows her sci-fi and was right more often than not…

Interestingly enough, it seems we’ve passed our love for science fiction on to our kids!  The little Professor has been a fan of all things Star Wars since he first encountered the series, and even the Mighty Princess enjoys it. Whenever they are running around with their lightsabers playing Star Wars, she pretends she’s her favorite Jedi, Ahsoka Tano.

Through the countless hours Mummy and I have spent together, not only watching, but talking about our favorite shows and the playful adventures with our kids – I’ve come to realize that while science fiction is a lot of fun and can be a great source of entertainment, my favorite part of all is that it brings my family together for something we all enjoy.

Live long and prosper!

One thought on “Daddy says… Sci Fi Fun

  • 17 May, 2012 at 9:53 am

    It’s so true – all the great sci-fi tv shows get canceled! No fair!


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